Hi! I'm TW, and welcome to my blog.
For those of you who know me, getting a blog is quite an unsual thing for me to do. But, I finally think I have enough to talk about to justify getting a blog.
My blog won't really contain anything too personal (that stuff is reserved for my real-life journals that I write in, which look quite like Myst journals and no one will read them until after I die; if you want to know personal things, get to know me, well, personally). And this blog is really focused toward people I know on the internet, and less my real-life friends.
Since this blog is going to be on Mystblogs.com, I should introduce myself. I'm TW, formerly known as The World (stupid name, I know), and alot of you either know me or have heard of me somewhere. I've been around the Myst community since the end of 2001, but I've never really considered myself "part" of the community. I kind of drift. I'm kind of like The Doctor from Doctor Who: I pop up in all kinds of places throughout history, being involved in all kinds of stuff, but there aren't too many details of what I've done and I rarely get to know people well. Well, except I never do anything awesome like The Doctor. I wish.
I've hung around CyanChat mostly; that's where I began. Since then, I've run a Until Uru Shard, been an administrator at Myst Community, I was a Choru'er, was on the Mysterium Committee for a year, and several other things I can't even think of. I dabble. I've been present at alot of important times in the Myst community. But, I rarely ever comment on "community" matters, rarely post on forums, and I don't really care or pay much attention to what's happening with stuff these days. That's why most people recognise me, but don't know from where. I just... do random crap, and hang out with my friends. Friends are most important to me.
Because of all of this, most of you are probably way more qualified and care much more than I do to comment on "community" things. So I won't do that. :)
Anywho, if you read this blog, one of the major things I intend to do is post new music I compose and record, and share it with the world. :D (read the About Me sidebar). I'm also studying piano, so I might post what pieces I'm working on every week, and maybe a recording of how far I've gotten after studying a piece. Dunno.
Also, be sure to check out my extended blogger profile stupid thing. I spent like an hour filling it out, and it turned out all ugly. But, it has stuff about me in it.